Br. Voss Ingenjörsfirma AB offers a complete range of services within product development in respect of electronics and software. The business is characterised by a strong focus on the client by a dedicated team with excellent team spirit. The company has all the modern technical aids that are required in order to conduct efficient product development, with high demands on quality and short time to market.
Besides our traditional laboratory, we also have a fully equipped EMC laboratory where we can ourselves, during the design phase, ensure that all the necessary requirements and certifications are complied with. There should be no surprises in final testing, as all aspects have been captured at an early stage during the design work.
By having access to our own modern surface mounting line, and having established relations with local component and printed circuit board suppliers, we can quickly produce prototypes and also capture important aspects concerning manufacturing features. We can also suggest to clients the best way to design to achieve efficient production.
We differ from other traditional consultancies, in that our entire chain is in-house, from design to verification and finally production. Having everything under one roof ensures the best conditions for managing tight time schedules and running an efficient business!
Br. Voss Ingenjörsfirma AB was founded in 2001 as a Swedish Handelsbolag (joint stock company) and in 2004 became an Aktiebolag (Limited Company). The company seat is in Borås, not far from Gothenburg, and currently has 16 employees, with a turnover in 2020 of approximately MSEK 26.
Br. Voss Ingenjörsfirma AB acts as a supplier of consultancy services in the fields of electronics and software. The areas in which we are active include industrial electronics, vehicle electronics, medical technology and consumer electronics. In addition we offer services within training where we can tailor-make unique training packages in accordance with the desires of clients. We provide consultancy services either in-house or at the client's location.
The company is also a supplier of printed circuit boards and electronic products, ranging from prototypes to series production items. We have an established network of partners and suppliers, and with our own modern surface mounting line we can handle most production and manufacturing aspects.
We have a wide range of clients, from innovative small companies to large OEMs and global development concerns.
We are since 2015 certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Our strategy is to offer a total commitment, where quality, efficiency and cost consciousness are always at the core. Our team of experienced design engineers has deep technical expertise across a´number of different disciplines. Software complements hardware, and together with a fully equipped laboratory and our own production line the team can offer quality solutions with short lead times, that are always suited to the clients' expectations and needs.
We differ from other traditional consultancies, in that our entire chain is in-house, from design to verification and finally production. Having everything under one roof ensures the best conditions for managing tight time schedules and running an efficient business!
Br. Voss Ingenjörsfirma AB is and shall remain a comprehensive leader in the supply of modern products concerned with electronics and software. Our clients must feel secure in the knowledge that we have the expertise, experience and equipment that are needed in order to stay at the leading edge in this branch.
Read our full policy here
På Br. Voss Ingenjörsfirma AB värnar vi om din personliga integritet och eftersträvar alltid en hög nivå av dataskydd. Vår integritetspolicy förklarar hur vi samlar in och använder din personliga information. Den beskriver också dina rättigheteroch hur du kan göra dem gällande.
Read our full integrity policy here
ISO 9001/14001
We are ISO9001 / 14001 certified with audits performed by RISE in Borås.
See our ISO9001 certificate here
See our ISO14001 certificate here